Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's about that time...for a Thin Line!

Karma. It's a bitch. And she is vengeful! I always say you get what you give and if Jessica Alba ain't the prime example of that, I don't know who is. Ms. Alba was quoted earlier this year saying very self-hating anti-Latino statements. It was all bad and quite disgusting. I believe she was traded in the Race draft to the caucasians (and she was very happy). Well, didn't you know Karma was listening? Yes chile. Ms. Alba is officially preggers, unwed (the baby daddy is her on/off again loser boyfriend Cash Warren), and young...Looks like Jess couldn't fight her genes! Yup! I said it. Karma, you is one helluva b!

KB, I love my friends. We are a collective mess. My friends say and do the dumbest crap. And I just listen and watch and shake my head and say I told you so. I saw that coming. Then I realize that I say and do the dumbest shit and they just listen and watch and tell me so all along the way. We are all just walking around all fucked up and fucking up. A collective mess. Fucking love you all.


Jake, I loathe folks who can't get the hint. I really really try to not be a b...but why do some people refuse to get the hint? If I don't tell you huge news about my life (or follow up about a chance to hang), obviously we are not that close, or really, I don't want you that close! You mean nothing to me, therefore you are not privy to any big news. Don't make me be a b...just take the hint! She's (me) just not that into you! (and never was). ps: this applies to more than one person. Sorry Jake, I had to vent.

Jake hates that it is tip time. So many people to tip and so little reason to tip them. I don't know what to do? How much do you tip a secretary that does what I like to call negative work (creates more work for me)? How much do you tip the cover secretary who does no work? Do I have to tip all the doormen, handymen, and concierge? How about the cleaning lady? And the one that really tortures me: does a delivery have to be legal in order to get a tip? I hate it!

Hate to Love

Kelle Belle hates to love Perez Hilton. I have been a daily visitor to his site for years. It is juvenile and evil and nasty...and guess what? I love it! He just premiered his new special on VH1. Hilarious! I love that the one and only celeb to make him speechless was Rihanna! Completely appropriate. I do wish he could get back to his bit-part-on-the-Sopranos-years-ago weight. You can blog from the gym P-Nasty! :) Love you, mean it!

KB, I hate that I love pretty things, people, and places. I swear I sometimes hate having to talk because I am ashamed of the things that will come out. I listen to myself describe people, things, or places and they almost always start out with the most ridiculous reason. Please don't ask me why I am voting for Edwards or why I work where I work or why I live where I live or why I like one person and I don't like the other person. I am pretty sure the answer to all those questions will require the use of the word fat. I hate it, but I love it. I just am it.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Memo to Breeders

Not all gay people like each other. Shocker, but putting two gay guys in a room together does not guarantee an orgasm. Okay, maybe sex is guarenteed, but not a relationship.

I say this after being set up on a blind date recently. This girl who I met a few times and is friends with work friends decided that she new someone who would be great for me. I used to be flattered by such offerings. Afterall, there aren't many guys out there that I would trust one of my nannies with. However, after meeting the guy I realized that when she said I know someone who would be great for you she actually meant I know another gay guy.

Clearly she had not considered whether we would be compatible. At all. I knew it wouldn't work when he told me what he would be wearing. It sounded bad. It looked worse. I saw him and thought to myself oh no, I wonder if he saw me. Maybe if I just walk out I can pretend like this never happened and I can later tell them both that I was abducted by mexicans. But, I didn't.

Being the nice christ-like boy that I am I stuck around. But, I decided not to look directly at him. He wasn't fug, but he wasn't for me. Let's just say that I don't see many us couples running around. Er. I don't wanna see many us couples running around. And, homie was 36. I prefer to get my antiques at yard sales, fanks. And he lived in somebody's Brooklyn. And had dated a woman whilst in his 30s. That ain't even right. I am pretty sure that it takes much longer to get rid of those kooties!

He was really nice though and if I weren't shallow I would have "emailed" him like I said I would. I mean, you know it's not going to work if the other person plans to follow up with an email right? And on that note, motherfuck gmail for just adding him to my contacts list without my consent. I hope he didn't see the status message that read: "you will not set me up with a temp." Oh, and I hope he doesn't read this here blog.

Anywho, I had to get that one off my chest.