Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Where in the world are Jake & Kelly?

I'll let Jake answer for himself. But as for Miss Kelly, she done left Cali and went north, way north! No, not Canada. America Jr. is not ready for The Belle.

KB moved to Seattle and is somebody's VP. Work!

A few observations about the "Emerald City":

Caffeine is the drug of choice.

An obvious attribute of the home of Starbucks but y'all have no idea just how deep the caffeine scene is here. Not only are there Starbucks everywhere (and I mean everywhere - I bet they have them in church lobbies...maybe if I take a break from being a heathen one of these days I can confirm that hunch) but they have all sorts of independent drive-thru espresso joints, hooter-esque coffee shops ("Bikini Coffee" - where the Barristas wear skimpy lil outfits while serving up the Joe), and check it - at McDonalds, they don't just serve coffee - an entire side of the menu board is dedicated to your coffee options. That's deep.

The caffeine craze is incredibly engrained in the culture. For example, I have noticed either Starbucks or RockStar energy drinks sponsors every event - be it a festival, a concert, a political rally, a charity event, a bar-mitzvah (jokes), anything. And there is an unspoken rule that once people arrive to work there is to be no work done until you have had your coffee. It's just understood. I love it here!

It's a gold diggers paradise.

Due to Microsoft Money, there are oodles of folks up here with so much money they don't know what to do with it. I have seen more than a handful of scruffy looking 40 something dudes get out of their lambos in Crocs and ripped jeans.

It doesn't rain everyday.

Yes, I know it's not winter. But everyone scared the bejebus out of KelleBelle about the rain when she first told folks of her impending move. It has rained maybe twice in a month...and honestly, after surviving 3 Boston and Philly winters a piece, I think I'll be aiight. =) And when it does rain...it's just an excuse for me to buy super cute rain boots and matching umbrella. Yum!

I am getting into the swing of things so I will be blogging more often. Sorry for the absence, but I've kinda been doing big things. ;) I haven't even had time to watch my beloved TV or make it to the theater (movie). I hear there's some broad on the GOP ticket? Shut the F up! :P

Love you, mean it!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
