Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bad Week for Black Daytime TV

Twenty bucks says Big Gay Al Reynolds is perusing the [gig] classified ads on criagslist right now.

Star Jones' show on TruTV (formerly Court TV) was cancelled. I have never seen the show in its entirety but I have done a few drive-bys while channel surfing. Eh. It was okay. Basically your typical pop-culture-and-the-law show. I don't see why it got canned and all those other snoooring legal analysis shows stay on the air. Maybe the gay mafia is to blame? She has been keeping Big Gay Al locked up at home and out of the scene lately. I hope she lands on her feet. She's quite smart and I was actually interested in what she had to say when she was on The View (although she pulled the "well when I was at the DA's office..." line one thousand too many times).

Speaking of The View. I realize now why I haven't been 100% satisfied with the current panel including Whoopi as the moderator and Sherri Shephard as the newest co-host. They both do not have the right balance of pop culture knowledge (and interest) coupled with the ability to debate and analyze serious substantive issues - a la politics.

Whoopi is clearly smart and knowledgeable about national and world issues, but seems like she could really give a rip about anything the gossip blogs or tabloids are currently focusing on. She admitted she did not know who Justin Timberlake was (or Britney Spears, I bet) before she joined the View. She's just not into that foolish, silly world of celebrity and pop-culture nonsense. She makes a valiant effort but her hearts not in it. And that's okay. Because I mean, she's Whoopi. She doesn't have to be into that pop-culture ridiculousness that we here at the Jake and Kelly Show love and live for.

Now, Sherri Shephard definitely is in that world. Did she go to college? Or get her GED? Her steeze is to sample "Betty Sue's world famous chili!", do stupid giveaways, chime in when there's a child-rearing or God issue (where she usually embarrasses herself and all Christians) and say over and over how she was seriously going to kill her cheating husband. Yes, but what have you done for me lately? She's all fluff. There's no there there. She makes the occassional funny quip, but eh, I could really do without her. And when it comes to real issues? Deer in headlights central. She remains silent until there's a chance for her to make some semi-funny comment (usually with a black woman neck/eye roll, sigh) and then she patiently waits for the the subject to turn to something more idiot friendly. Well friends, I now have proof to confirm my suspicions. Word just came out that Sherri had to rush and register because...the b has never voted! Ever! Check out the following statement:

"On The View this morning, Sherri Shepherd recounted her close call of almost missing the cutoff for registering to vote via absentee ballot for the election in November. (Shepherd resides in New York, but is a California resident.) And apparently this is the first time that Sherri will be voting...ever! Having turned 18 in 1985, the now-41-year-old has missed out on the past five presidential elections because she 'never knew the dates or anything.' She said it was important to vote in this one, though, because otherwise, she wouldn't have a right to complain on The View about whomever is elected for an entire year. (She probably meant to say 'four years.')" - Crunk and Disorderly

I think Sheryl Lee Ralph would've been a much better co-host! She is a better combo of world issues/pop-culture and she's fabulous! I'd even take Gayle. But I suppose being Oprah's bff is a pretty demanding gig. Ah well. A girl can dream...

And to round out the bad week for Black Daytime TV, The Montel Williams show has been cancelled after 17 seasons.

And right before Black History Month! That ain't right. Y'all, when you're chuggin a brewski on Superbowl Sunday, pour a lil out for the fallen black stars of daytime TV.



1 comment:

lmw said...

damn, what a shame re sherri. how long before she's deep sixed?