Friday, January 25, 2008

A Quickie with KelleBelle

Calm it down hornballs. I only have 2 and a half minutes to spare (I spent the remaining 7 and a half minutes of my break watching the tail-end of The Soup and visiting with mum and the doggies) so here are a few quick items I would otherwise dedicate more time to if I wasn't in this hell called study mode. Read at your leisure, and as always, "discuss":

1. "Cute white boys are droppin' like flies" - Thembi

First, the cute as a button child star from "The Client", Brad Renfro, was found dead of an apparent overdose. At just 25 years old, his long-time struggle with drugs and alcohol was wide-known. Then Heath Ledger, 28, was found dead on Tuesday, and the cause is still unknown, however sleeping pills and other medications were found near his body. Both great actors, cute white boys, and gone way way before their time. Then, inbetwixt their deaths, footage of Amy Winehouse smoking crack this weekend hit the net.

Yo. Cut the bull-sh*t! It's time to churn out some all new After-School Specials, STAT!!! (I'm sure the WGA will provide a waiver.)

What the hell is going on? I realize drugs and alcohol are nothing new to the showbiz set, but the attitude surrounding these events (that they are newswothy, but the behavior is acceptable, or at least tolerated) have made me quite uneasy about where pop culture is heading (or where we're currently at). I'm happy that Celebrity Rehab has started airing. That ish is real (I honestly don't predict any residents will make a full recovery but at least the attempts seem genuine) and shows the ugly reality of addiction. Not so cute! Every starlet should be forced to watch.

But then on the other hand you have every news station (even the Tennis Channel dude. The world is ending! Paul Mooney said it first!) covering the latest "Britney" sighting and it's just sending the worst mixed signals. Everyone is just waiting for her to drive off a cliff, o.d., or something else horrible. If they really wanted her to make a comeback they'd stop giving in to her need for that toxic (excuse the pun) attention. Sigh. Maybe now that I'm back in LA I'm more sensitive to this ish? Or not. I'll get over myself now.

ps: I was kidding about the Tennis Channel.

2. Is KelleBelle a Heathen, a Hypocrite, or a Whore?

All 3! Jokes. I'm totally not a hypocrite. Sike! (See what I did there?) Ask my last date if I'm the latter of the 3, and he'll definitely reply in a salty tone that I am nowhere near a whore. lol. (Sorry buddy! Just cuz ya bought me dinner...don't mean I owe ya nathan but a hiiigh five! And a peck on the cheek).

But back to the matter at hand. I was at my spinning class today and a country-western song came on by the Dixie Chicks. I'm a fan of the group but this song was a bit too much. I don't recall all of the lyrics but the chorus definitely included "Jesus Christ" somethin' somethin'. When I heard it I literally looked up at myself in the mirror and thought, did they just say...? And then the chorus replayed. Yup, JC all over that b.

I don't know if I was more offended by the uber religious tone of the song or the incredibly annoying twang of the banjo that was playing at super speed. Before I could answer that question I caught myself. Why is it that when a song uses all sorts of misogyny and profanity and b this and b that I'm cool as a cucumber? (not just rap, people -- "Smack my Bitch Up" by Prodigy is a guilty pleasure of mine and great for the gym) But yet these lovely southern belles say something or other about J. Christo and I'm up in arms, about to bring a constitutional law claim against 24 Hour fitness. Clearly I have been studying too long. Anyone else feel me on this? (all my lawyer buds better not even think about posting a comment about the validity of any constitutional claim.)

Anywho, that was way more than my alloted time but y'all are worth it.




lmw said...


KelleBelle said...

Worst blog comment ever.

lmw said...

ok, how's this?

Huh?? re no. 2.