Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dear Sammy Sosa: I cant. Sincerely, KelleBelle

But I will, for the entertainment of our readers.

What in the skin bleaching hell is wrong with you? Did you really think your new Casper the Self-Hating Ghost skin tone was just going to fly under the radar? If you really wanted to keep your skin bleaching game under wraps, you shouldn't have done the following:

1. Bleach your skin. What in the ef.

2. If you insist on bleaching your skin, do not choose a minority centered event to make your new light skindded debut. Why the Latin Grammys? Why? Que lastima.

3. Do not try to explain away your new fair hue by blaming it as a side effect on a "skin-rejuvenation" treatment or the flash of the cameras. No dice.

a. You don't need skin rejuvenation. You are black (yes I know he is Dominican, but I'm speaking of his skin tone here). You won't crack. Even after years of playing baseball in the sun. And you're young! 40 years young. Your PR guy told you to blame it on skin rejuvenation treatments didn't he? Fire him asap.

b. Those cameras must have a flash brighter than the surface of the sun to make you that damn light. B please.

4. The light skin coupled with the GREEN eye contacts seal the deal. It's a wrap. If you had any chance to deny a skin lightening/self-hate accusation, it went down the drain when you put those fake eyes in. You couldn't just retire quietly eh? Instead, you decide to make a run for Smokey Robinson's money. Shake my damn head.

5. I will not call you out for your konk because you seemed to rock that hairdon't pre-skin lightening. But it doesn't help your case.

Sammy joins a loooong list of black celebrities that have gone the skin bleaching route:

1. MJ.

2. The rest of the Jacksons save for Rebbie and Janet (although I bet she's emptied a tube or two of Ambi in her lifetime).

3. Lil' Kim.

Who am I missing?


(11/11): Just as I published this here post, I read the following story of a mixed-race contestant on "Oriental Idol" (jeez) in China. Oy to the vey. See what you're doing Sammy?! Not helping this lil lady's self-esteem at all. I may take my weave out as a sign of solidarity.

(11/12): Apparently this is anti-dark skin week. What in the flippin' hell. I listened to this NPR story on the way into work this morning, and one particular interviewee presented an interesting explanation on the obsession with white (or light) skin:

In India, Skin-Whitening Creams Do Brisk Business


Anonymous said...

This is my first time reading your blog. I followed it because of the young aw. When she leaves China she and her mother will do very well and she is pretty. I do believe her mother is not telling the truth about her father. I think he was an African man and not an AA man.


Kristin Renee said...

hahaha! Kelly I had no idea he had done that?! Que locura?! Ay Dios Mio! Pero mami listen, DR is a VERY color conscious society. I did study abroad there during college, well I mean, I blended but the people that didnt had a much different experience than I did. De verdad mija!

KelleBelle said...

@ anonymous: Why does it matter if her father is African American or African? That troubles me.

@ Kristen Renee: DR is definitely a color conscious society...and so is every other country on the planet, so it seems. A group of friends and I have been discussing this hatred of dark skin that is seemingly universal: Latin America, Asia (specifically India - check the link I just postedd), Africa, everywhere!

Even with the tanning booth craze amongst certain groups, white is still right for the majority of folks, and certainly amongst many people of color.

Le sigh.

Kristin Renee said...

You are absolutely right, it is a global epidemic. smh. I dunno what can be done really, how do you erase centuries of indoctrination?