Monday, May 4, 2009

Mo Money, Mo Problems

Less money, many more problems.

Picture it: Ms. KelleBelle is at dinner with a certain gent (who was close to being fired anyway, and this was a last ditch effort for him to hold onto KB's interest), and the check comes. Grand total? $19. The gent brings out a $20 bill and then says, "I don't have enough for tip."

KB says, "I don't have any singles, sorry. Why don't you put the tab on your card and write in a tip?"

Dude says, "I don't have enough, I'm at my budget."


Yes chile, this trifling event happened. For realsies.

Kids, y'all know I like the finer things in life (premium cable channels, manicured nails, medium-shelf alcohol, etc.) but I am certainly no money hungry gold digger. I don't expect diamonds, but is it too much to expect a gentleman to pick up a $20 tab? Paying for my $7 salad and $3 beverage doesn't seem like too much to ask.

The story ends by KB paying the tab, storming out of the restaurant like Whitley Gilbert leaving Dwayne Wayne after their 19th fight, and telling him to cease and desist from any further communication. It is SO over. (ps: this isn't the first time KB has had to pay due to dude being "at his budget.")

Can you imagine? My word. It's not even that I mind dating someone who is struggling financially...but yo son - let me know BEFORE the check comes that you are broke. I've absolutely struggled financially before so I get it - completely - but the way you act when broke is very telling of your character, in my humble opinion.

This doesn't just apply to gentlemen callers, but financially struggling friends should also be mindful of the stress and drama they create when they do not account for their own expenses and rely on others to make their ends meet.

Assuming I am picking up the tab is not cool. I am not your caretaker, your man (or woman), or some filthy rich socialite with money to burn. If I pick up a tab it's because I want to, not because I feel obligated to or owe you anything. But the favor should be mutual.

When it isn't, it creates awkward situations and tension builds that could have been avoided if you were an adult and accounted for your own brokeness. And please don't complain about your finances and in the same breath brag about a new clothing purchase or blame your situation on your child. I have plenty of bills as well - I bet my student loan payment is akin to a child support payment! Real talk.

If I'm a bit light on dough that week, I won't go out to the bar and then rely on a chum to pay. I don't expect gents to pay all the time, and I don't mind going dutch on occasion, but I refuse to be played like a fool and suffer for having a steady stream of income and the ability to not spend more than I earn. Can I get a witness?!




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