Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Random Thoughts

1. My favorite Golden Girl, Bea Arthur, passed away this weekend. I always felt the closest bond with Dorothy. Perhaps in part because we are both 5'9" with somewhat deep voices (mine is nowhere near Bea's, but it's a far cry from Michell'e). We are now left with only 2 living golden girls, the inspiration for countless girlfriend themed television series (Sex and the City, Girlfriends, etc.).

2. Arlen Spector can get it, just on GP. Of course the groundbreaking Senator that switches parties and gives the Dems a filibuster proof majority hails from the great state of Pennsylvania (KB's original state of bar admission, thank you.) When will others realize the Republican party is going the way of the Pontiac? Speaking of GM, is it just me or did everyone else already assume they stopped making that model years ago? I haven't seen a new Grand-Am on the road in ages.

3. Who determines what is a pandemic? I understand there is a threat of widespread Swine Flu infection, but 20 people getting the virus (ps: it sounds like the most it causes is flu-like symptoms, not death or worse: weight gain and/or hair loss.) in all of the USofA does not seem to be as big of a threat as say, the bubonic plague. Also, if you don't carry Purell in your purse and use it on the regular, that's your bad (IMO).

4. Finally, this Thursday, April 30th is Dining Out for Life®. DOFL is an annual fundraising event involving the generous participation of volunteers, corporate sponsors and restaurants. Naturally the fabulous event was created by a volunteer in Philadelphia at ActionAIDS (an organization I volunteered at while living in Philly). Everything fabulous and groundbreaking usually comes out of Philly or Pennsylvania (see my Arlen Spector blurb above.)

More than 3,500 restaurants donate a portion of their proceeds from this one special night of dining to the licensed agency in their city. Nearly $4 million dollars a year is raised to support the missions of agencies throughout North America. With the exception of the annual licensing fee of $600, all money raised in these cities stays there.

I have served as Ambassador (hostess) for DOFL in Philadelphia and will be doing so here in Seattle as well. I encourage you all to participate in this worthwhile event.

Check http://www.diningoutforlife.com/ to see which restaurants in your city are participating.



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