Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Return of the Swoon

Hey kids! Long time. I apologize for the delay in posting. I have been swamped with work...but more importantly I have been living blissfully in Swoon-ville. Population: Me!

Yes, chil'ren, KB has taken to a certain someone. I am not going to give too many details, but let me put it this way: yesterday I realized that I hadn't watched a stitch of TV for 4 days straight. Why? Because I was either with the swooner or thinking about the swooner, which requires my complete focus.

The only caveat to this good swoon news is the swooner's occupation. There are 4 lines of work that due to the amount of travel, has the potential to create havoc on relationships:

1. Professional Athlete

2. Musician

3. Military

4. Government official (I guess - I haven't dated this category)

Hopefully the power of the swoon will alleviate any challenges the travelling will bring.

Thank the lordy for email...and webcams!


Note: The above picture is an inside joke kind of thing...that only the swooner and swoonee are privy too. *smile

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please add pilots to the list. Their job is scary and would make any woman nervous, but more importantly, pilots are NOTORIOUS players. ("Baby, I'm just in town for the night.") I guess I can understand needing someone to warm the bed on BOTH ends of the NYC-London route ;)