Tuesday, April 14, 2009

RIP: KelleBelle Dies of Embarrassment

Okay, not so much. But I did feel like dying after I committed a fashion (actually, make-up) faux-pas recently.

Picture it: a dear friend from Philly was in town last week for work. After a lovely dinner, we hugged and kissed each other's cheeks. I then went about my way to enjoy the fruits of his labor, when I received a series of alarming texts from said friend:

"U got me GOOD"

"Talking to techs and crew"

"Talking to opening act"

"Friggin talking to guards"

"Talking to band"

"20 mins"

"No one tells me I got white crackhead lips"

"Pass the mirror...(sees white chalked lips)"

"wtf?!!! KELLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I confronted all 20 people like 'I am offended you let me talk and walk about with crackhead lips and didn't say SH*T!'"

"We are all laughing SO HARD"

Kids, upon seeing this series of texts I almost fell to the ground in complete horror and embarrassment. Of course my girlfriends were dying laughing when I told them what happened. And then they recommended I make a stop at Nordstroms - STAT - and get "makeup sealer" at the MAC counter, which should prevent any future Tyrone Biggums/crackhead lip situations from occurring in the future.

I'm just happy my friend happened to pass by a mirror before he went to work. Did I mention his work involves performing in front of thousands of people? I could see the Perez Hilton headline already: "Guess who forgot to wipe the crack residue from their lips before hitting the stage? Find out who after the jump!"

The good thing is my current beau has the same skin tone as me, so I can rub my foundation all over him and no one can tell! ;)



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