Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Letters to a Young Sister

Hey kids! It's about that time when folks are graduating from high school, college, grad school, beauty school, ITT Tech (if you're smart - real talk these days...), etc. One of my dear friends is putting together a compilation of lessons learned since she left home for college, to give to her baby sister who graduated from high school last week and is off to college in the fall.

My friend asked for help with her list, and this is what I came up with:

1. Do not spend more than you make!

2. Don't use credit cards (except in serious emergencies).

3. Think of your next 5 steps and plan/prep accordingly (internship, summer job, grad school, career, etc).

4. Have fun but not too much. No party is worth jeopardizing your school work, reputation (showing up to your part-time law office job hungover is not cool), or your health.

5. Act like a lady and think like a man!

I think my ultimate word of advice is to reach out for help at the first sign of trouble - in any area, be it school, love, life, etc. Get your network of support together (family, friends, profs, mentors) sooner rather than later and USE them as a resource for advice, guidance, or just an ear.

What do you know now that you wish you knew when you left the nest? Do tell.



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