Saturday, April 19, 2008

KelleBelle to God: I get it! No more bad reality TV.

Just as my Bobby-Brown-sighting induced nightmares have subsided, God plays a funny lil trick on me.

Picture it: I'm at an Ed Hardy fashion show, cracking on all the horrific ensembles the best of the inland empire had to offer. On my way to the ladies room a lithe young man pulls me close and says, "How you doin'?" Clearly, tryna holla. I replied, "I'm fine! See ya!" And made my way through the crowd. On my way back to my crew, I pass by dude again and this time I look at him straight in the eye. He looks familiar.

I stop, and say, "Do I know you?" And he proceeds to dance around the obvious: he's been on tv. He asks me if I'm an actress and do I attend these kind of events often, clearly trying to deflect attention from his "notoriety." I press him until he finally admits he's an "actor" and has been on a few commercials, and oh, did a reality show. I almost dropped my skinny girl margarita. A-ha!!! Now I know where I know him from! I tell him my name and that I interviewed him about two years ago. For those of you who recently jumped on the KB bandwagon, I used to write a weekly review of a certain VH1 dating show spin-off starring a filthy little muppet nicknamed after a large U.S. city.

A friend of mine happened to have known one of the cast members of the show and arranged the phone call. It was a very popular post and I remember a few things from the interview: dude is very religious, works as a host at Grand Lux Cafe (black folk's Cheesecake Factory as my friend calls it), but is really an actor (no, really).

After we realize we both have each other's phone number (note to self: change phone number) from the prior interview we have a good laugh. And then homey tries to holla some more! I'm like, dude, are you serious? I decided not to break his balls too much and instead said that we wouldn't be a good mesh because he's a christian, and I'm a jew. Well apparently he lost his way since the reality show because dude said he wasn't that religious and we could definitely make it happen. Ha! I rolled my eyes, told him "God Bless," and returned to my crew, firmly believing God has sent me more than enough clues that I need to stop watching horrid reality tv.*

So...who was it?


*The final straw was seeing Snoop Dogg's morbidly obese "play son" Anthony at Jerry's Deli at 3am. There are so many things wrong with this. One, why was he eating at that late of an hour? He is seriously around Star Jones obese. And two, why do I know who he is? Damn you E! and your reality programming!

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