Saturday, January 17, 2009

Movie Manners

Hey Kids! KB here hollerin' at ya from sunny southern cali. I came home this weekend to relax with mumsy and the dogs. Today, moms and I ventured to the movies to see The Wrestler. Phenomenal - I definitely recommend it. But this post ain't about the movie. It's about rude jerks that almost ruined the movie going experience with their dipwad antics.

The first culprit of movie jerkness is one Mr. Bradley Pitt. You see, our first choice was to see that Benjamin Button flick starring BP. Our plans changed once mother and I peeped the film length - 168 minutes. For our readers that rode the slow bus, that's almost 3 hours long. What is up with that guy and the epic length movies? Get over yourself Mr. Pitt. Only historical joints (holocaust, malcom x, jesus flix, slavery, etc.) deserve more than 120 of my precious minutes.

After deciding we shan't be indulging Mr. Pitt's ego-maniac fest, I convince momma belle to see The Wrestler. After copping the tickets, we were unpleasantly surprised to see a packed theater, even though we were 15 minutes early. As we slowly descend the aisle Moms scopes two seemingly open seats, but one of them has a purse on it.

I ask the owner of the purse if the seat was free and she ROLLS HER EYES! I couldn't believe it. She sighed, said yes, and begrudgingly moved her bitch bag to her lap. But that wasn't the end of her rudeness. Mom and I make our way to our seats and this heifer and her bitch brigade don't make the slightest effort to let us slide by. My mom couldn't believe how rude these women were. I brushed it off, and assumed we were just unlucky to choose seats adjacent to three grown up mean girls. That was until I turned around and peeped the row behind me.

There were two couples occupying the row (6 seats to a row) and one couple had an empty seat on each side of them! What a j move! If they would have moved one seat over to the left or right, another duo could have sat on that row, instead of sitting in the front row or having to split up. Unbelievable! My mom commented that if they really wanted their space while watching the movie, they would have gotten their matinee game on and could've had all the room in the world to be jerks.

Alright kids, thanks for letting me vent. Be kind to each other! And spay & neuter your pets.


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