Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A Thin Line anyone?

Well well, looks like KelleBelle will start this week's ATL post. I am usually the sole holder of the late pass, but Jake has been pretty busy these days, what with the Britney situation and the imminent J.Lo pregnancy announcement. You know, serious global issues.


I love me some early 90s movies Jake. And not of the BoyzntheHood or House Party 1-7 variety (which are fan faves as well, of course). I mean the kind of movies where the stars are all legit professionals and everyone is dressed to the nines complete with shoulder pads, big hair and harsh makeup for the women, and sleek fades for the men. I sat and watched Boomerang twice on Friday night and had the best time ever. I heart seeing Chris Rock in a film early in his career where he is not a crackhead. For one night, all seemed right in the world.

First, I rebuke any thought from anyone who doesn't appreciate a good crackheaded performance and let's face it...nobody does a better crackhead performance than Chris Rock. Except maybe Halle Berry. Second, I am going to have to say that I love New York. And, that I am so happy it has returned. And, that it is going to prove that Harvard Law School is an overated sham of an institution thanks to one "Punk" pictured in the above post. Eat it KelleBelle, you should have gone to Penn.


Time. There's never enough of it. Or if you're doing something boring or annoying, there's too much of it. I hate that there are zones of it. If we were all in the same zone, I'd totally hop on a plane on Friday and go home to Cali for the weekend. But due to that damn zone, I'd spend half of my life on the plane getting back to the EST on Sunday night. Okay clearly I am struggling for something to Hate this week. But that's a good thing, right?

Consistent with my love of New York (the person and show, not the damn city), I hate those people, black and white, who say that she and the show reflect negatively on the black community. One person can't represent the whole and a white person is quick to point out that s/he is not responsible for the racist acts of others, including acestors. Why therefore am I responsible for the behavior of those on I Love New York. We have to start using white logic against white people. And that's real talk. People like New York exist and I will not be shamed of her. I didn't raise that child. I don't know her and I don't know anyone on the show. You, on the other hand KB...

Hate to Love

Exhaustion. Not the kind that is actually code word for Anorexia or Overdose. I mean true exhaustion. From working out so hard at the gym you are exhausted and sore for days. Or you were up two nights in a row fervently drafting a human rights petition that you know will likely never see the light of day but dammit, justice is at stake! Or you are exhausted because you were up all Saturday night having a tickle fight (both of the naughty and innocent variety) with your dude. Exhaustion means you are living life to the fullest and taking no prisoners. Or you are just out of your Lunesta prescription. Either/or.

All that being said. I hate that I love New York. She, the show, and VH1 are indeed the Devil.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

gotta love Eddie Murhy's spray-paint on brown rendition of eyebrows . . . can anyone say thick?