Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Worse Thing About The Britney Situation

Let's face it this whole Britney situation is awful, awful, awful. But you know what the worse part of it is? It is not that she is a crackhead, it's not that these kids are doomed, it's not that she has been deemed less suitable as a parent than one K-Fed, it's not that it's all being broadcast over TMZ, and it is not even that she is fat. It's more that we all saw this coming when she married this guy and then decided to have his kids.

Let's also face that we saw all of this coming years ago. At least, I know I did. Perhaps I am an evil human being, but when the stories first surfaced of Britney and Shar Jackson's anonymous baby-daddy surfaced I was already looking forward to the disaster that would be the breakup. Then they got married and I got more excited. Then they had kids and I was bout to explode with anticipation. And then it all unravelled...bit by bit, or shall I say Brit by Brit.

Why anyone finds this shocking is beyond me. You know you saw this coming. You knew this would the biggest, baddest, trashiest break-up ever. You knew it. We were all just waiting. And, we didn't have to wait long. I mean it takes story lines on All My Children longer to unravel.

And now, I just sit back and watch. With imaginary popcorn. Sometimes I forget that this is a real life. I think we all do thanks to these stupid blogs. I am kind of disgusted with TMZ who is now bragging that they are the ones who caught Britney driving with the kids when she wasn't supposed to and then drinking when she wasn't supposed to. It's kind of awful. But for her relative fame she would still have the kids. Who the hell was watching K-fed?

In fact, somebody grab the camera while I put on my wig and lipstick: LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE. Better yet, KB grab your foundation and let's do the Janet & Michael video for Britney. What? You didn't think you would get to be Janet did you? Chile... cheese.


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