Friday, March 14, 2008

Damn a Recession, It's a Depression!

While most of the nation is discussing the prospects that the economy is in or headed towards a recession, those in the know say that the economy is beyond a recession and headed for a depression. Yikes!

Just think we are about to become our grandparents! Can you imagine? Well in these uncertain times you have make changes. So, in anticipation of the depression I began to think: what us gone do? What us gone eat? So, I came up with a list. Here are my top 10 foods to get you through a depression!

10. Flour. It's cheap and you can do so much with it. You make pancakes, bread, biscuits, stuff for breakfast, stuff for lunch, and stuff for dinner. Flexibility is key in the depression.

9. Box Mac & Cheese. First, everyone loves mac & cheese. Second, it can cost less than a dollar a box!

8. Spam. Gross, but cheap.

7. Vienna Sausages. Not as bad as spam and even cheaper. Gotta have meats.

Interlude: Give me a beat (sidenote, I listen to and listen to only the All Mariah and All Janet stations and NOTHING gets me going like a good ole fashioned "GIMME A BEAT!!!!" I never know when it's going to happen but when it does my heart skips a beat.)

6. Beans. Beans. They're good for your heart.

5. Rice. Just get big buckets of it like the Puerto Ricans.

4. Oatmeal. Umm, yum. It's healthy, delicious, and cheap.

3. Potatoes. Everyone loves a french fry, but there are many ways to make a potatoe.

2. Ramen Noodles. Right. Not just for your doorm room.

1. FREE FOOD! Tips for free food?
-samples at the grocery store
-soup kitchen
-start babysitting, petsitting, plantsitting, etc.
-go to all those luncheons, dinners, and talks where they provide a meal
-eat all the stuff you did as a kid: glue, paste, paper, crayons, mud pies, white out, etc.
-host pot luck dinners

There it is! Now everyone go to the store and stock up!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

LMAO!!! "eat all the stuff you did as a kid." Don't forget good old fashioned grass . . . gotta have those greens.

BTW: other ethnicities that keep bags & buckets of rice around: Africans, Koreans, Caribbean folks and pretty much anyone from an underdeveloped nation. Folks in the know, know that rice is not just a side dish it's a staple!