Saturday, June 14, 2008

Ya better axe about me!

Cuz I'm a what? A hustler, baby.

I've been a "professional" (in the Ivy League, not Hollywood Blvd., sense) for awhile, but yet I often wish I had just a lil' bit more money for those unaccounted for expenses (ie. gas money!, that special finger wave, steve madden boots, emergency bikini wax, bail money, etc.) that come up from time to time. So, in Carrie Bradshaw fashion, I couldn't help but wonder, what's a good side hustle these days?

5. Slangin'. Nuff said.

4. Hair stylist. I've been known to weave up some good ish for myself and others when there are no other options my three years in Boston. Do they even teach sophisticated hair techniques at beauty schools in Mass.? It seemed like all my b's had to schlep to NYC (or my dorm room) to get a decent updo or extenstions.
3. Exercise class instructor. I have been approached by more than one (okay two) spinning instructors to teach a class or three. Apparently it's great part-time money and you kill two birds with one stone (work out and get paid!). More importantly, you get to be a DJ for an hour!

2. Babysitting. I sincerely love the kids...And I really love giving them back to their duly court appointed guardians/dna-test proven parents. I nannied my way through high school, college, and law school, just because personally I like it. It's one of my many gifts. However, many peeps don't share the gift. Most would get busted by second 14 in the nanny cam. But if you do really love the kids, this is a great option to earn some quick cash.

1. Blogging. Although I would absolutely love to actually get paid for posting random bitch sessions betwixt Jake and I, it's not likely to produce adequate side hustle money. As much as you think the top bloggers get paid, it's still not that much money! Why? Look to legal (sorry).


Tracy said...

you forgot one: WORKING DAT POLE aka MAKIN' IT RAIN! Goes without saying of course that this hustle could be problematic for the rep. but wouldn't it be the FUN?!

KelleBelle said...

Hello! It's totally covered under the exercise instructor hustle! That way, you preserve the rep. but would be just as fun as the real thing (sans creepy dudes). Although...the money is probably 1/1000th of what I'd get at Scores. Damn this puritanical society.