Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Great Fast of 2008

That's right bitches. I completed a 3 day fast where I drank 6 juices a day with water in between. It's called the Blueprint Cleanse. Loves it. It's supposed to clean the toxins out of body, which you know I need because I am what? Toxic! (that was so cheesy, but I am so going to giggle on that for days to come). But, I am either not as toxic as I thought or this fast is a joke or I am confused as to how the cleanse rids me of my toxins. I will leave it at that.

But, I just had my final juice. They weren't bad. Not bad at all. But then again the whole process wasn't bad for me. All my friends have been so concerned about me and questioning my ability to last 3 days. Truth be told, I myself was a bit concerned. Then I realized that I have flat out forgotten to eat for more than three days and the only thing that tastes better to me than a cheeseburger is a bacon cheeseburger with fries and that can only be topped by hunger pains.

Let's face it, I am a big ole gay. Or, as my good good girlfriend Fern Mayo would say- a Chelsea gay. Walking around hungry is like being on the runways of Milan. My biggest problem with the fast was remembering to drink the juice, not so much resisting food. In fact, I found 6 juices to be a bit excessive.

Anywhoots, I win, they lose. Fast is complete. How does my skin look? Wait, wait...tell me after my colonic.

Love you, mean it!

Also, turns out I lost like 10lbs. And no, I don't weigh less than a 100lbs now, but close.

1 comment:

KelleBelle said...

Hmmm. I went on a fast once. For 7 days. I looked fab but the day after it was over I put the 10lbs lost right back on plus a pound or two for good measure. My skin was amazing. But not as amazing as it is now that I'm back living on the beach! Jealous? Don't be! Come visit! =)