Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Are you there TV? It's me, KelleBelle

Due to the writer's strike, the possibility of an actor's strike, and the relatively low cost of producing a "reality" show, scads of old and new "un-scripted" (ha!) television shows are hitting the airwaves...And KelleBelle couldn't be happier! It's simple, silly, and entertaining tv that gives immediate return on your investment. I never got on the Lost or Greys bandwagon because I missed half of the first season and was honestly just too lazy to invest the time necessary to learn the characters and plot lines.

But reality tv spoon feeds you tomfoolery and f*ckery by the mouthful without all the drama of appointment television. And if you miss the latest episode, never fear, it'll be played 10,000 times by the week's end. Here are a few shows I am loving and anticipating, leaving out the obvious: Project Runway (this season is snooze so far p.s.), Top Model, Top Chef, Real Housewives of any city, etc.

First things first: The Wendy Williams Show! Yes, I know it's not a reality tv show but I had to mention it. Although not as entertaining as her radio show (it may have something to do with her having a face made for radio) I still look forward to watching it every day during my lunch break. She tots has ADD and the production budget is probably around a five spot, but the random audience comments (apparently you have to be a black woman from New Jersey or a dominican gay man to attend the show) and haphazard interviews gives me giggles for days. Despite the awkward pauses, the ridiculous amount of commercial breaks, and her ill-fitting wigs and attire, I hope the show gets better with time and will be extended past its 6-week trial run.

"It's Wendy and we're different here."

New Reality TV Shows that will be infecting your TV and computers like a case of Hep C (sorry Nat and Pam):

Kim Porter's reality show! I knew Lifetime would have to step their game up when Project Runway moves to the network. I mean come on, the old slate of Golden Girls re-runs followed by The Nanny re-runs followed by more Golden Girls (although I lurve me some GG -- RIP Sophia!) just ain't gonna cut it. I predict the show will capture Diddy's baby momma getting her poor man's Kimora on. Could be snooze or could be fab. We'll see...

I Want to Work for Diddy (MTV). Um, no actually I don't. But I do want to see the gluttons for punishment that will kill themselves for the chance to wipe Diddy's arse. Isn't this just another Making the Band sans singing and dancing?

Janet Jackson's dance show (MTV). I'm not 100% sure if the show is more "dancelife" or So you think you can dance" but regardless, I loves me some Janet.

Shows returning:

The Salt-N-Pepa show! (VH1) I love those old broads.
Celebrity Rehab (VH1). Mmmm Dr. Drew.

Shows I'm praying Jesus will do away with before it's too late:

Keeping up with the Kardashians (E!)
From G's to Gents (MTV)
Brooke Knows Best (Vh1). Um, no she doesn't... and are we sure she is not a he? I'm just saying...

Debuting in August:

New York Goes to Hollywood (VH1). I can't and I won't.

Pamela Anderson's Show (E!). Will this be taking place at her house or the clinic?
Paris Hilton's Search for a new BFF (MTV)
Luke's Show (of 2 Live Crew infamy) (VH1)

But just when I was ready to give my eulogy at TV's funeral, CNN saves the day!

Real Talk: Tune in Wednesday, July 23 at 9pm and Thursday, July 24 for a special presentation, "Black in America." Looks good, looks real good.



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