Thursday, November 27, 2008


I am thankful for so many, friends, my naturally arched eyebrows, the president-elect, my health, my iphone, etc. What about you?

As I sit at home, waiting for my brother to return from a jog on the beach so we can get down to thanksgiving bid-ness, I started to ponder what in the hell I will say I am thankful for during prayer prior to dinner:

1. Mama Belle. I forgot to pack my jewelry bag for my trip home. If I didn't have such a fierce mum, I would have panicked, as I feel naked without a pair of pearls on by day, door-knockers by night. However, I simply informed mother of my fashion faux pas, and before you could say Chanel, moms came in with her huge stash of gorgeous accessories. After perusing the pretty things for an hour or so, I was dripping in fierce borrowed jewels for a night out in LA. The best part? She let me keep some of them! Best mom ever.

2. Beyonce. Everyone is well aware that I have been a loyal fan of this lady for years. I am thankful she is back on the scene with a new record. But I would be even more thankful if Santa brought her a speech therapist for Christmas. I made the mistake of tuning into The Tyra Show during the interview portion. Jesus, take the wheel. Just shake it and sing please. We all have our roles in life.

3. Swagger. It's difficult to describe, but I like to call it an undefined air of confidence with a side of sexy. So really it's swexy. Anywhether, I can't get enough. Especially when the swagger is accompanied by a yummy set of lips. (Jake, I'll give you the deets over cocktails, via webcam.)

4. Michelle Obama. I've posted about 'Chelle before, but this is an update. I am so thankful that she is who she is, and is loved by an equally amazing man. Tall, educated, and strong.

5. New friends. Now that I'm in my 3rd corner (or is it 4th? does Jamaica count as an uber-southern corner?) of the U.S. I, for the first time, had to start from scratch in the friends game. Definitely a challenge - even for a social b-fly like Kb. Luckily, I have amassed a pretty dope squad thus far. One day, I'm going to have a KB friends reunion and everyone will meet, greet,
drink, and swap embarrassing KB stories (Philly will likely win that race).

And finally, I am thankful for my big brother. He turns the big 3-0 today and I am so blessed to be the Lisa to his Bart. He just returned from his jog, and on his way to the laundry room to throw in his sweaty workout gear, he asked me if I had anything that needed to be washed. But this is how he asked: "Have any darks? Besides your elbows and neck."

That, my friends, is love. Happy Birthday big bro!

Happy Thanksgiving kids.




lmw said...

the lisa to his bart. sniff sniff.

btw, i don't think i can ever eat a turkey again (or any poultry for that matter) after looking at that picture.

Jake A. McKenzie said...

Son, this is why I love you. I refuse to listen to her talk. REFUSE. I slipped up once when she was on Oprah, but that was more to see Oprah talk. Although, I can watch her do single ladies a billion times.

lmw said...

ok. i just watched the tyra interview on youtube(in 7 effin parts!)
anyway, she did best when her answers were short and to the point. when she tried to elaborate, things kinda went down hill.

another thing, when she did the eye crossing thing, somehow that look fit her.

KelleBelle said...


LMW - you are hilarious. The cross eye look does fit her! My poor, simple, country Bey.

Jake - how about we start up a collection for Bey's speech therapy? Or maybe just an on-line petition to stop her from giving interviews? Only written, no more televised/radio. It hurts too much to listen!

Anonymous said...

Ahh, thanks for making me the capper. Yup, mom is da shiznit and I don't know how B (nor the Governator) don't cringe when they check the tape. But who cares? She is fine as wine and aging like a nice pinot noir. She's the second most beautiful half breed I know...

KelleBelle said...

SHAP - You are very welcome. But you are fined one mongrel demerit for pegging B as a half-breed! Her mama is creole, but not white. And extremely tacky. Loves her still.