Friday, November 7, 2008

Don't Take Offense

In light of today's brouhaha over President-Elect Obama's reference to himself as a "Mutt", I couldn't help but wonder: who says what is offensive?

As you all know, I have no problem with self-deprecating terms to depict the mongrel race. However, I have learned that many people find the term "mutt" or "half-breed" to be quite offensive. I find it interesting that the majority of people who do find the terms offensive are not "mixed-race" themselves (in my experience). But I am sure there are some halfies that find the terms offensive as well.

Anywho, in typical KB fashion I have compiled a list of terms that, depending on the audience, elicit a chuckle, or a nasty eyeroll:

1. Mutt or Half-Breed
I do not find these terms offensive, although I am not sure that I would be okay with a non-mongrel using the terms. I'm so complex.

2. Switch Hitter
I had no idea this could be construed as an offensive term to describe bi-sexuality. Sorry Tila!

3. Gay
This term has become so engrained in straight folk's casual conversations, I doubt it has the same negative connotation that it used to bear. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

4. Ghetto
The majority of people I observe using this word are usually on the business end of a b-slap.

5. Girl or Boy (used to describe grown black women/men)
I cringe everytime someone adds "girl" to the end of their statement to me, in an attempt to prove their coolness, I presume. It does the opposite and pisses me off in the process. I know for a fact my brother will get all Hulk on a fool for referring to him as "boy." Yet, the terms are still used nonchalantly by non-black people, especially "girl." I blame Martin (Payne, not LK, Jr.).

What else...?


P.S. Thanks to my co-worker Adam for his suggestions (Oreo and Twinkie). Although these sound like delightful nicknames, they are patently offensive in their meaning when applied to black and asian people. I'm looking for words that can be offensive or harmless, depending on the speaker and the audience.

1 comment:

lmw said...

how bout nappy? kinky?

speaking of which, btw, are you gonna make true on your promise to wear your hear natural