Monday, November 17, 2008

Lonely Planet, KelleBelle Style

Having lived in three corners of the good ol USofA and a stint in Jamaica, I have been privy to a variety of phrases and customs specific to that part of the country/world. Below, a few notable comparisons. Please add your own in the comments section.

Sentence ender

Seattle: Whatnot (usually preceded by and/or)

Philly: Nahmeen?

LA: ...or whatever

Kingston: ...or some fuckery like dat (runner up: Struuup!)

Drinking in preparation/prior to a night out

Seattle: Pre-Funk

Philly: Pre-Game; Get it in (although that is used to describe just about any social activity)

LA: Pre-Game (lame, but better than San Fran: Get Hyphy)

Kingston: Um, this would infer there was a time prior to going out when I wasn't drinking (excluding work hours...except on Fridays).

TV Show based in the City

Philly: "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" (runner up: Parking Wars!)

Seattle: "Frasier" (duh)

LA: "Beach Patrol: Hermosa Beach" The show is hilarious - it's basically "Cops" but (wait for it) at the beach (my hometown), arresting drunks on skateboards.

Kingston: Besides the native soap operas (which are fab!) I am at a loss.

Drink of Choice (non-alcoholic)

Philly: Rita's Water Ice

Seattle: Anything with caffeine in it

LA: hot water with lemon (or diet coke)

Kingston: Coconut water

Drink of Choice (alcoholic, the way God intended drinks to be)

Philly: Yuengling (beer)

Seattle: Adios (cocktail)

LA: Vodka and sugar-free red bull (rimmed with white powder, and it ain't salt)

Kingston: Red Stripe (beer)


Philly: Cheesesteak (duh)

Seattle: Anything accompanying your cup of coffee (muffin/biscotti)

LA: Anything low-fat/carb (and it best be kosher)

Kingston: Patties (runner up: pan chicken! the best meal upon the let out at the club)


Anonymous said...

Nibbles in Seattle should include crepes at Mobatta, those are the best!!!!

Anonymous said...

What about Bahston?