This is an emergency post. I was not planning on writing about this series of events but I just had to.
Picture it: I played wingwoman on Saturday night for a couple of girlfriends. To make a long story short, there were 3 brothers: 1 lives in Seattle, and two live in South Carolina where they are originally from. The two brothers were in town visting and they all hung out with my girlfriends. I was the 3rd and my match was the brother that lived here. After the 5 of them had hung out a few times without me last week (due to work/other obligations I couldn't join), I finally joined the party Saturday night, reluctantly.
We all met up at a WACK club (par for the course in Seattle) and quickly decided to move it to my crib. We ended up having a great time chatting, laughing, drinking, hanging with the chief, etc. They left around 3am - mind you my normal bed time (insomnia notwithstanding) is around 9pm. I could barely keep my eyes open when they left.
As they were leaving I told my match that we should hang out in the future, and he agreed. (side note: he was cute enough and mildly amusing, but not that amazing.) About 5 minutes after they left I noticed the guys left their chief. I sent my girlfriend a text telling her to tell the guys the scoop and I received a phone call from my match not 2 minutes later. I asked him when he wanted to pick it up (another day), or I could drop it off the next day, as I was half-asleep and already in my pjs.
He then proceeded to drunkenly attempt to negotiate his way back up to my apartment. He wanted to keep the party going, just him and I.
I was not down for the following reasons: 1. I was exhausted. 2. I don't know him like that. 3. I'm not a horny 22 year old that can't resist an invite for a drunken makeout session. No thank you.
We hung up, I went to bed, and that's it. Then my friend asked me today if I heard from said dude. I said I didn't but I'd send him a text to see what's up. Here's the series of texts:
Me: Hey there...Your bros make it home okay?
Him: Yeah they did thanks for asking
Me: Good to hear. So you gonna come by and scoop your stuff?
Him: Naw may be another time could you put it up for me ?
Me: Sure. I wasn't suggesting you come today. I'll stash it.
Him: Cool thank you
Him: Hey you can go head and keep that i'm good
I was THIS close to replying with the smartest of smart ass replies, but I decided to be the mature adult in the situation and left it at that.
I emailed the above series of texts to my friend along with a note detailing my extreme distaste for this supposed "gentleman." She told me that he told her he was OFFENDED that I didn't want to kick it post 3am Saturday night. Are you mofo joking? I told her I was appalled and he needs to apologize to me asap as it will be a cold day in hell before I tolerate such fuckery.
Is KB overreacting here? Call me a traditionalist, but I think the above correspondence and series of events is incredibly rude and anything but gentlemanly.
My friend who recruited me as the 3rd and thought that this dude and I would be a good match is disappointed it didn't work out. She also in my opinion insinuated that there was miscommunication going on and it wasn't completly the dude's fault for being a jackass. I highly disagree.
I suppose I made out on top on this one: I got to keep the chief! ;)