Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sleepless in Seattle

Despite the title of this post, I am not referring to my insomnia. I've actually been sleeping in my spare time, due to Seattle's lackluster social scene leaving few alternatives. At least when I'm asleep I can dream about cities with a pulse.

Back to the post's title, I'm referring to the personality of the city. In a word: Snooze.

I've been a resident of the Emerald City for 7 months. Beautiful yes, but that's about it. The people define passive aggressive. Actually, strike the agressive part. They're just passive. And it doesn't end with the people.

Even the weather is passive. Seattle has long been perceived as a city with constantly falling rain. Not true. It is "rainy" on occasion, but when it does "rain" it's not your throw-down, tapping on the rooftop, umbrella-worthy rain.

The rain itself is passive aggressive. It's like, make a decision! Either rain for real, or just quit it and let it be dry. My word.

I suppose I am just used to the direct, in-your-face, truth hurts honesty, style of the east coast. In Philly (or Boston or NYC) you know when it's raining. And you know when someone is interested in you, pissed at you, in love with you, or about to shoot you. Here, I would have no idea if someone adored me, was abhorred by me, or was about to do a drive-by.

Even the "gangsters" out here are passive. They'll chill with their victims first before pulling out a gun on the sly and shooting in a crowd, hoping to hit their target. Lame. If you're gonna do it, at least do it "break yo'self!" style a la Boyz 'N The Hood.

Okay, that venting session felt good. Thanks for listening guys! Now, please come visit me. The city needs some flavor desperately, and we all know if you are reading this here blog, you are fierrrce!



5 comments: said...

Umm...I live in Fargo, ND. You get absolutely no sympathy from me. Everyone, please come visit me. We can call the weekend "See Black People in 2009". Cause truly there are NOT a lot fo Black folks being seen in these here parts. Keep me in your prayers!!!

KelleBelle said...

Sorry Kim - didn't I vote Nay to the Fargo move? ;)

I'll pray for you if you pray that Seattle gains a pulse.

At least it's pretty here and the weather ain't bad (in comparison to ND).

Be safe! No DWB at night please. Actually, are the folks out there jerks to you or are they tickled pink when they see you, akin to their reaction if they ran into a unicorn?

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

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