Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Belated Black History Month

Real talk: since we have a Black President, isn't every month for the next four years a Black History Month? Maybe not. But I just made myself feel better for not doing a darn thing to celebrate BHM.

Not to be a negative Nelly, but this BHM was not the best, sans the Black Prez. Here's why:

1. Chris Brown and Rihanna became this millenium's Ike and Tina. Sigh.

2. The Octomom's babies daddy appears to be Black.

3. Lil' Kim was announced as part of the Dancing with the Stars cast. Dammit I thought we were done with her foolishness. Hopefully her partner won't drop her. Her face would never mold back to its original plastic model.

4. A woman's bright magenta weave made headlines for saving her life when her estranged boyfriend shot at her. Why must I cry?

5. Sherri Sheppard continues to serve as the bane of my existence, and humiliates all black people everyday by playing the role of simpleton on the View. I'm on the verge of starting a petition for her removal. Or immediate enrollment in a GED program. Or a "word of the day" calendar. Something. That child is almost as dimwitted as Bey, but without the performance skills or killer body.

6. Speaking of Sherri, her TV husband on 30 Rock, Tracy Morgan, played the role of simpleton off screen. His shark tank (that is NOT a typo) caused a fire (what?!) in mid-February that set off the sprinkler system in his apartment building, flooding his neighbor's homes. I can't and I won't.

Fight the Power!


ps: I stole the BHM grocery store ad above from Thembi's blog: She covered BHM brilliantly. Please do visit her site.

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