Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Label Maker

Picture it: you are in a steady, stable, committed relationship. You live together, share bank accounts, exchange bodily fluids on the regular, and his/her mother calls you when they cannot locate their offspring...but you are not married, nor are you engaged. You are also in your 30s.

Referring to your mate as "boyfriend" just seems juvenile. "Significant other" is stale, and "husband to be" seems a tad illusory.

So what do you refer to each other as? In a pinch for convenience (say for instance if the dry cleaner gives a discount to married couples) you refer to each other as husband/wife, or just to avoid any awkward, lengthy, unnecessary explanations of the status of your relationship.

I'm thinking "spousal equivalent" may be the best bet. That's what Joy Behar from The View refers to her live-in "boyfriend" Steve, who she has shared her life with for 25 years. Yes it sounds mechanical and a bit dry but it gets the job done.

If I was in the above scenario, I'd likely refer to my live-in beau as my steady d... Let me stop. This is a family friendly blog after all.

For the record, I think the whole idea of labels and caring what other folks think about your relationship is rubbish. The only label I care about is Chanel. Jokes! Y'all know I'm a Gucci girl.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha. Spousal equivalent! I like it. What does Oprah call Steadman? (sp?) I have just resorted to calling my live-in romantic interest "my guy" or "my man" or "[his name, and assume you must know who I mean!]". For me it's not so much about labels, but more about an easy definition so that you don't have to launch into a long explanation everytime. That's precisely why I just tell the auto mechanic or the repair man that "my husband" will be negotiating with them!