Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Eye Phone

As in all Eyes on me...and my iPhone.

Hey Jake, you're not answering your Berry so I'll leave you a message here. I would wait until afternoon Tea when I can tell you in person but KelleBelle must vent!

As you know, I recently became the proud owner of the beautiful, sleek, sophisticated iPhone. I love it love it to death. It comes with so many amenities, I discover something new and exciting about its capabilities daily. And I'm pretty sure it makes me look thinner. But there's one thing Apple doesn't list on the box as one of the accessories: extreme hateration.

I was in the Dentist's chair yesterday and do you know Jean, the chatty hygenist, had the nerve to drill me (pun very much intended) about my friggin iPhone? I sang praises of the amazingness of my lil beauty in between rinses, all the while thinking, "Is this B really trying to have a lengthy discourse about the flaws of my new toy?" Just clean the plaque and get out of my life.

As I walked back to my office, recovering not only from the aggresive cleaning, but the aggressive inquisition from Jean, it hit me: the iPhone is the Beyonce of technology! Think about it: the iPhone is beautiful, sleek, extremely talented, and far superior than any of its competitors. (Yup!) The extreme level of hate that really is just a cover for adoration and envy parrallels the hate that is rained on my beloved B.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: stop hating! You know you love you some B, and some iPhone!


Sent from my iPhone

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