Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Jake and Shaka take it to the streets

and bid good-bye to summer '07. It has been a rather uneventful summer. No arrests, no rehab, and most importantly...NO SEX!!! For either of us. But, we decide to go out on this gorgeous Tuesday night and have a good time. Both of us are frustrated- me from a long day of work and a long night of bickering with my future Mr. Jake and Shaka from the many strippers that surrounded him and a long month of bickering with the future Mr. Shaka.

Under these circumstances, no good could possibly come from the evening. And for the most part, nothing good came from the evening. But, being the GoodGays that we are we remembered those three basic principles that have been the backbone of our fabulous friendship for many years. I think you all know them by now: KIC it, KIM it, and Paula Abdul it. That's what we would have to do. Keep it cute, keep it moving, and make this night our own.

KIC it, KIM it, & Paula Abdul it wasn't working tonight. So we decided to just hit it, pump it, and pooch it on out the door. And then it happened, my summer song came on. We all know that Umbrella was the summer song of '07, but it ain't mine. My joint is Tambourine, by Eve. I heart this song. All night I wantged this song to come on, and it did just before I was about to quit. Just as I was about to give up on the night. It was perfect. It saved the night. Me and Shaka danced, and danced, and danced until...Tambourine went off. Then we left. Its always best to leave a place when you are having the most fun to ensure that you always have a good time.

I think it was the perfect time to say goodbye to the summer. It's labor day and it's over. It's time to get serious. I am looking forward to the fall. I think it is going to be a good one.

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