Sunday, August 19, 2007

Update re: Chubbs

We had the weigh in this weekend. Chubbs lost at least 10lbs. Isn't that exciting? If only he were exciting. Apparently, I am not as shallow as I thought. I thought that all I cared about was whether my guy was thin or not. But, no. I require more. You have to be interesting.

The fact that Chubbs was Chubbs was strike one. Strike two was that he said that he liked me because I was intelligent. It dawned on me that this was the reason that all of our dates had involved some discussion of politics. But, the idea that I came off as intelligent in those conversations says to me that Chubbs is an idiot. I don't know anything about politics. A political discussion is like a mental vacation for me. I just go on auto pilot. I do the same three things. First, I point out the most logical and compelling counter argument. Second, I create an extreme hypothetical to make the other person question their position. Then I poke at everything else they say until they get frustrated. I can do it for hours!!! The following statements always work: "that's not necessarily true" or "you are assuming x (repeat some part of what they said)" or "it's more complicated than that."

If I exhaust all of those options I resort to name calling like "liberal" "hippie" "commie" "white male patriarch" "bible thumper" etc. Notice that none of these things require any real arguments of my own. And, I will never defend a counter position. I have one political position: It's complicated. Haha. C'mon. That's not intelligence. Wait, maybe I am an evil genius actually.

Strike 3 occurred a couple of weeks ago when I told Chubbs over text that I was going to see the new LiLo movie. I sent it and then thought to myself that he would not know what I was talking about, and before I could finish the thought he responded with what's that? I knew it was over. I mean who doesn't know who "LiLo" is? Could I really date someone who didn't? While I am reading he is reading That's just not right. He is watching CNN while I am watching VH1.

Nope, I am not vain at all. I am proud of myself.


Anonymous said...

Uncle Jake, your rising levels of ridiculousness never cease to amaze me. I met the perfect guy for you this weekend, btw. He won his law school's negotiation competition last year. I want to be the maid of honor at your wedding.

Anonymous said...

Oh, last comment left by katishainka

Anonymous said...

Oh, last comment left by katishainka

KelleBelle said...

I thought I met a possible love of my life last year. He was the perfect combo (like me). The Deal Breaker?

He didn't know who Tina Fey or Best Week Ever was.


Guerrilla Cakes said...

ok. . that is the first thing that's made me laugh out loud in weeks. . Hilarium. Thanks