Wednesday, August 29, 2007

It's not quite Monday, but it's a Thin Line nonetheless!

Jake, I have been horrible this week with my blogging so I'll let you go first in telling our readers what you Love, Hate, and Hate to Love in this week's edition of It's a Thin Line...

Love: Philadelphia. It's cute, it's fun, and it's affordable. Drinks for 5 bucks? I love it. I ran into someone who knew me, but only by my dog's name. I thought that was crazy! People can be much nicer than the pigfuckers in NYC.
In addition to sharing your Love for Philly (yay!) I love me some "Breakin' Dishes" by Rihanna! Leave it to the gays to show me the light. I requested the song be played at my next Striptease class. So excited! Breakin' dishes while making it rain. Brillz.

Hate: Philadelphia. The people are fat and ugly.

Jake, I hate you for saying that! Can you really blame Philadelphians for being a lil chubbs? What with the Cheesesteak and CheeseFries (did we ever figure out if that is one word?) being diet staples, and the depressing murder rate? Give 'em a break! Now yes the fug situation is a bit out of hand, but I am doing my part in turning that trend around: I'll breed with a native and thus begin the process or cute-ifying the Philly population. Is that conceited? Whatever, I'm still counting my future breeding as a mitzvah (read = good deed)!

Hate that I Love: No surprise, Philly. Being here makes me feel bipolar. It's an uncomfortable experience.

Jake, I hate that I love fake tans. My name is KelleBelle and I'm a fan of fake and bakers. If only I had the matzo balls to commit to the weekly tanning sessions...whenever I see a picture of myself I think to myself, "Self, you look aiiight, but damn you'd look ever so close to J.Lo if you got some sun in yo' life!" But seeing as how I have been in my office for 13 hours and counting...and vacation is not a word I am familiar with, Pale will just have to continue to be the new Tan.

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