Monday, September 3, 2007

Jake Gets Bored...

It's true. I am bored out of my brains. It seems I am at a unique point in my life where I am not working towards anything. I have my degree, I have reached every short term goal I have set for myself, and now I have nothing to do but work and live. I am not in a state of crisis because I have a great job and a great life. But, luckily for me I picked a profession that just works for me. It just comes easy for me and so I do it. It's not particularly challenging and certainly not interesting. But as long as it's easy I am going to do it...

But, that leaves me with nothing to do. I need a new short term goal that doesn't involve any major life changes. I need something challenging. I usually only do things I am good at, and fortunately for me, I have discovered what I am good at so I don't have to do anything I am bad at. And, when you spend time being good at what you are good at, you can pay someone to do what you are bad at. That's my life's philosophy. Well actually I think that's the basis of western capitalism, but who cares who came up with it first.

Anyways, I think I have my solution. My next short term goal in life is to become a good cook. Cooking is my worse nightmare! It requires paying attention and following directions, and I can do neither effectively. I have tried to cook in the past and screwed up because I just do what I think should be done even if the directions say otherwise, assuming I have read them. Even when I am doing it right, there is a good chance I will forget what is going on and overcook or freak out and undercook. I definitely have not set a timer. I also have no interest in food. I don't know the many kinds, and I don't know what works together. I have been known to just make a casserole with pasta, meat, and a veggie just because I thought I needed meat and veggies in my life. I am awful, awful, awful!!

So, I am taking cooking classes at the new school. I am starting with a one day beginners workshop, and then I will move on to more complicated courses. I may even complete a whole certificate program. The goal is to host a full dinner party by next spring where I make a full several course meal that is complicated and delicious! Then I will step my wine game up!
That's right...I am changing, trying every way I can. I am changing, I'll be better than I am!
Wish me luck!


L.Nikki said...

Hmmm... loves it I think. Do you have an apron and chef's hat? Pretty sure that's the key to a good recipe. I'd volunteer myself to eat your final exam but food is for the weak!

Jake A. McKenzie said...

Ha! And the misguided.