Monday, September 10, 2007

A Thin Line!


Jake: I love that it is now football season! It's the only thing that makes the winter bearable. It's easier to get through the week when you canlook forward to a full weekend of fun between NCAAF and the NFL. Yum. I know how, butch of me. It's okay because I cap the weekend off with Desperate Housewives, which is coming soon too!!!

KelleBelle: I suppose I'm a fan of football season...But only because it gets you gents all riled up! Yum. I love that it is new a TV season! I cannot wait to watch the new season of Curb your Enthusiasm and Mary Kate's stint on Weeds. Yay TV!


KB: Seasons. I'm a Southern California girl so I can't help that I am allergic to cold weather. I can tolerate it, and I love fall fashion. But really, I am dreading the coming cold weather. Mostly because people in Philly tend to stay in the house when the weather turns...which is okay if you've got a yummy man-bear to warm you up. So yeah, I'm not looking forward to Winter! :(

Jake: Women. Well, I am scared of them. Why can't straight women immediately tell/accept that I am gay, and why are the lesbians so ugly? Straight women scare me like gay men scare straight men. Honestly, some of them intrigue me and I don't know what to do. It's like thinking about sex in a church, with the pastor...and his wife. And using holy water as lube. It just doesn't feel right, but you can't stop thinking about it! Don't judge me!

KB:! Holy water as lube? Lord have mercy (on Jake's soul)!

Hate to Love

Jake: I hate that I love feigns.There is just nothing funnier that watching feigns act like feigns.It's the best entertainment. Apparently, I can only be entertainedwhen someone in the room is high. I think that's why I am most entertained when at home alone. Watching intervention and Being BobbyBrown whilst listening to Amy Winehouse.

KB: I hate that I love to watch those silly "Fabulous Life" shows on VH1. They only make me feel bad about my relative level of poverty compared to those featured and leave me feeling envious and bitter. But I can't help watching! The best was the Rags to Riches edition because at least those billionaires "deserved" their 100million dollar yachts and solid gold toilets. I'm still bitter.

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