Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Jake Goes BNT All on Your Ass

And that's Bridge-N-Tunnel for alls you non New Yorkers out there. I am dating someone who lives in Queens...yikes! Jamaica, Queens mightr as well be Jamaica the island because it's too far. I mean, I consider the East Village a long distance relationship.

But this BNT relationship is different because it involves a car. Only in Manhattan will you find a car annoying, but damn if the thing ain't. I mean no one has the time to drive around looking for a parking spot. Yesterday, I had to pee and here we are driving around lookin g for a spot. I am like just drop me off at the door. Sure, you saved me 7 bucks in cab fare, but sheesh. Who has the time to drive around or the energy to walk from whereever you end up parking. Certainly, not me.

But I feel guilty about it. I mean who complains about being picked up and driven around and dropped off...for free. I have some damn nerve, but dayum!

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