Monday, August 20, 2007

It's another Monday...and it's another Thin Line


Jake: You know what I love KB? A little show called Intervention. I recently discovered it and immediately fell in love with it. They just go around following feigns and then they convince them to go to rehab. I mean there is nothing better than a feign nodding off whilst talking to her lawyer about her prostitution charge. Is there? Sometimes it's good to just light up a doobie and laugh at bitches with real problems.

KelleBelle: Spoken like a true Jake…(Ps: I've been loving Intervention since its inception. But it's a guilty pleasure, no? I feel bad that it makes me feel better about my mild addictions: hair products, makeup, and shoes) Anywho, you know what I am loving right now? A littler show called Flight of the Conchords! Hilarious!!! Not since "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" or, dare I be so bold, but "30 Rock", has there been a show that has me laughing out loud and watching the same show over and over just to re-live the hilarity of it all. Meanwhile, totally going to New Zealand on my next vacay! Because surely everyone who's from there is as funny as the creators of FOTC, right?


KB: Mondays. So over it. My hatred of Mondays has spilled over to Sunday night. Even those are messed up now because I know it's only a matter of time before Monday will come and fug everything up. I need to find a good Sunday night party that will have me hungover and perhaps still a lil' drunk on Monday morning. Now that's a way to start off the week.

Jake: I hate the fact that my secretary quit to go to law school. She was amazing! She was tall, thin, had great style, and could keep a good secret. Nobody ever knew where I was or what I was doing, but they knew I was busy. She was that good. I am happy for her and all, but what about me!? What about how I feel? What about what I need? What about meeeeeeee!

Hate to Love

Jake: Boys. Girls are still gross, but boys are just a mess. I think living amongst the gays sheds so much light on gender and gender roles. I don't think I do well with masculine energy. I think I need a woman with a man's body. Preferably, a sane woman and a hot man's body. Sigh. Fucking with boys is like fucking with fuckery itself. Fuck that. Let me stop. This is no way for a lady to behave.

KB: Jake, I didn't want to say it last week due to your Hate post, but I hate that I love 50 Cent's latest record!!! I have been up nights feeling guilty about it. But when I Get Money or Straight to Bank comes on I go wild! Especially I Get Money! And you know what's the worst thing about it? I Get Money is the ultimate Striptease song! In class on Saturday when it came on (the instructor loves her some 50!) I made it R-A-I-N! Do you still love me? Hello?

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